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Idb crud

IDB CRUD Assistant is a Chrome extension that enhances your IndexedDB management. It provides an easy-to-use interface for CRUD operations on IndexedDB, making database tasks simpler and more efficient.

Listed in categories:

Chrome ExtensionsDatabaseProductivity
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IDB CRUD Assistant is a Chrome extension that enhances indexedDB management by providing an easy-to-use drawer interface for CRUD operations. It simplifies web-based database tasks and offers efficient and secure access to IndexedDB.

How to use Idb crud?

To use IDB CRUD Assistant, simply add the Chrome extension to your browser. Once installed, you can access the intuitive drawer interface to view, create, read, update, and delete records in IndexedDB. You can also sort, filter, and download data in JSON and CSV format.

Core features of Idb crud:


View indexedDB data in table format


Easy-to-use drawer interface


CRUD operations on indexedDB records


Sort and filter records by every column


Download data in JSON and CSV format

Why could be used Idb crud?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Effortlessly perform CRUD operations on any website's IndexedDB
# 2Quick database interactions for developers and users

Who developed Idb crud?

The developer of IDB CRUD Assistant has not identified themselves as a trader. They have disclosed that they will not collect or use user data for any purposes outside of the extension's core functionality.

FAQ of Idb crud