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Hubql CLI

Hubql is a platform for visualizing, collaborating, and documenting data schemas. It offers tools for generating visualizations, collaborating with team members, creating documentation, synchronizing with GitHub, and using a CLI for local development.

Listed in categories:

Data VisualizationSaaSDeveloper Tools
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Hubql is a data visualization tool that helps users build, visualize, and collaborate on data schemas. It offers features for generating visualizations from various file formats, collaborating in real-time, documenting code with markdown notes, integrating changes with GitHub, and using a CLI for local development.

How to use Hubql CLI?

To use Hubql, sign up for an account, upload your data files in JSON, XML, Proto, GraphQL, or Prisma format, and start generating visualizations. Collaborate with team members, document code with markdown notes, integrate changes with GitHub, and use the CLI for local development.

Core features of Hubql CLI:


Visualize data schemas


Collaborate in real-time


Document code with markdown notes


Integrate changes with GitHub


Use CLI for local development

Why could be used Hubql CLI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data modeling
# 2API design
# 3Collaborative documentation

Pricing of Hubql CLI:



Basic features for individuals



Advanced features for teams

Who developed Hubql CLI?

Hubql is developed by a team of software engineers and data visualization experts who aim to simplify the process of understanding and working with complex data structures.

FAQ of Hubql CLI