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Holy User

A website information analyser that provides insights on user behavior and engagement.

Listed in categories:

Developer Tools
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A React app that delivers beautiful pop-up messages to segmented user groups to help them start using the software.

How to use Holy User?

To use the React app, simply log in and follow the hints provided to deliver pop-up messages to segmented user groups. Customize the messages based on the user groups for effective engagement.

Core features of Holy User:


User segmentation


Pop-up messages


User engagement

Why could be used Holy User?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Getting a user who does hip hop on a Zoom call ASAP
# 2Notifying cheerleaders about a new feature
# 3Surveying students with a quick question

Who developed Holy User?

The maker of this React app is dedicated to enhancing user engagement and providing a seamless user experience for all users on the platform.

FAQ of Holy User