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Hamster IQ

AI tools for small businesses and teams

Listed in categories:

SaaSProductivityArtificial Intelligence
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Hamster IQ is the AI assistant for small businesses and teams. As you chat with the hamsters, they learn about you and your business, improving the accuracy, relevance, and usefulness of their responses over time.

How to use Hamster IQ?

Simply chat with the hamsters to provide information about your business and receive tailored responses over time.

Core features of Hamster IQ:


24/7 chat


Prebuilt solutions for small businesses


Learns and adapts to user and business


Easy to share answers

Why could be used Hamster IQ?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Technical support
# 2Guidance with complex regulations
# 3Advice on employment matters

Pricing of Hamster IQ:


$20 a month

Full access to all features of Hamster IQ including 24/7 online help, 30 prebuilt applications and tools, 21-day free trial


$20 a month per person

All features of the individual license, shared memories of business details across team accounts

Who developed Hamster IQ?

Hamster IQ is developed by a team of AI experts dedicated to enhancing small business productivity through AI technology.

FAQ of Hamster IQ