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Habits OS

Notion Habits OS0Bart 1 rating - An activity chart with all your activities marked, one square for one day, one column for one week. Full dot means the habit was done that day. Today is marked with an empty dot until the habit is done. Shortcuts to simply check the habit when you've done it. Full support included to help you start right away. Mobile version with dark and light theme support coming soon. Streaks, Archive, Detailed stats, FAQ. Notion is an all-in-one workspace app that combines note-taking, task management, database organization, and collaboration features in one platform. Notion is a free software available on mobile and desktop. This template is also for free, but you can leave a tip for coffee to the author. How to download the template: Open the template link, then click Duplicate on the top right corner to duplicate it to your workspace. Still have questions? Send your feedback or queries to Bartosz Zagrodzki. Hello, I'm Bart, a software engineer building products to help people lead better lives. If you want to know more, visit my blog or follow me on Twitter. Name a fair price. Access: Lifetime. Updates: Included. Software: Notion. Ratings: 5/5 stars - 1 rating. This was exactly what I hoped to find. Totally love the way these items were arranged. A big thank you to Bart. Anonymous. Powered by...

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Notion Habits OS is a template designed to track your daily habits using Notion. It provides an activity chart with all your activities marked, one square for each day, one column for each week. A full dot indicates the habit was done that day, and today is marked with an empty dot until the habit is completed. It offers shortcuts to easily check off habits, full support to help you get started, and a mobile version with dark and light theme support.

How to use Habits OS?

To use the Notion Habits OS template, open the template link and click Duplicate on the top right corner to duplicate it to your workspace. Start tracking your daily habits by marking off activities on the activity chart.

Core features of Habits OS:


Activity chart with marked activities


Daily habit tracking


Shortcuts for habit checking


Full support for getting started


Mobile version with theme support

Why could be used Habits OS?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Tracking daily habits
# 2Building and maintaining habits
# 3Improving productivity

Pricing of Habits OS:


Notion is a free software available on mobile and desktop. This template is also free, but you can leave a tip for the author.

Who developed Habits OS?

Bart is a software engineer dedicated to building products that help people lead better lives. You can learn more about Bart by visiting his blog or following him on Twitter.

FAQ of Habits OS