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Gully League

Level up your backyard Cricket league

Listed in categories:

SportsSaaSWeb App
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Gully League is a platform that allows users to easily keep track of their backyard cricket rivalries. It provides tools for ball-by-ball scoring, team management, statistics viewing, live scoreboards, and upcoming features like leagues and seasons management.

How to use Gully League?

To use Gully League, sign up and login to start a match. Use the live scoring tool to keep track of the score ball-by-ball. Manage your teams and roster of players. View team and individual player statistics based on historical data. See live scoreboards as your matches progress and share them with friends. Stay tuned for upcoming features like managing multiple leagues, defining seasons, and customizing player profiles.

Core features of Gully League:


Ball-by-ball scoring


Team management


Statistics viewing


Live scoreboards


Leagues & seasons management

Why could be used Gully League?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Keeping track of backyard cricket matches
# 2Managing teams and players
# 3Viewing historical data and statistics

Pricing of Gully League:



Free forever, up to 12 players, 2 teams, historical data retention up to 90 days



For cricket friends and rivals, up to 25 players, 2 teams, unlimited historical data retention



When your gully league is growing fast, up to 100 players, up to 8 teams, unlimited historical data retention


Contact us

Professional league, unlimited players, unlimited teams, unlimited historical data retention

Who developed Gully League?

Gully League was designed and developed in Melbourne, Australia by ABN 97 980 989 501. All rights reserved.

FAQ of Gully League