Groww Stock Insights
Enhance your investment decisions on Groww
Listed in categories:
FintechChrome ExtensionsInvesting

Enhance your investment decisions on Groww with Groww Stock Insights, the ultimate browser extension for stock market analysis. Get real-time stock scores, price updates, PE ratios, market trends, and detailed performance breakdowns directly within the Groww platform.
How to use Groww Stock Insights?
Download the Groww Stock Insights extension from the Chrome Web Store, install it, and start browsing the Groww platform to access real-time stock data and analysis without switching tabs.
Core features of Groww Stock Insights:
Stock Score Calculator: Comprehensive scoring based on price volatility, historical performance, PE ratio, and market sentiment.
Detailed Stock Analysis: Insights into recent and historical stock trends with future outlook predictions.
Custom Alerts: Set personalized alerts for stock scores and performance metrics.
Seamless Integration: Instantly view stock data and analysis while browsing Groww without switching tabs.
Privacy First: Operates entirely within Groww without collecting personal data.
Why could be used Groww Stock Insights?
# | Use case | Status | |
# 1 | For beginner investors looking to understand stock performance and make informed decisions. | ✅ | |
# 2 | For experienced investors wanting to track stock trends and set alerts for specific metrics. | ✅ | |
# 3 | For users who want a seamless experience while analyzing stocks without leaving the Groww platform. | ✅ |
Who developed Groww Stock Insights?
Groww Stock Insights is developed by Yash Prajapati, who aims to enhance the investment experience for users on the Groww platform by providing valuable stock market insights and analysis tools.