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GitStats is a minimalist browser tool designed to keep you motivated by displaying your GitHub contribution stats in real-time every time you open a new tab. Whether you're working on personal projects or collaborating with teams, GitStats gives you an effortless way to track your progress, celebrate milestones, and stay driven to code every day.

How to use GitStats?

Simply install the GitStats extension and open a new tab to view your GitHub contribution stats. You can customize the date range and add users for comparison to enhance your experience.

Core features of GitStats:


Displays GitHub contribution history stats in real-time


Allows users to select a date range to compare current progress with past contributions


Tracks current contribution streak and longest streak


Enables users to add others for comparison to foster healthy competition


Stores data locally to respect user privacy

Why could be used GitStats?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Tracking personal coding progress
# 2Comparing contribution stats with team members
# 3Staying motivated through friendly competition

Who developed GitStats?

ABMAKERS is the developer behind GitStats, focusing on creating tools that enhance productivity and motivation for developers.

FAQ of GitStats