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GetAds App

All Ad creative inspiration - one click away

Listed in categories:

AdvertisingMarketingChrome Extensions
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GetAds is a streamlined creative workflow tool that helps users capture ad genius effortlessly. It eliminates the need for endless folders, screenshots, drive links, notes, or screen recordings, allowing users to focus on what's important in their creative work.

How to use GetAds App?

To use GetAds, simply save ads from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok with one click. Assign custom tags for easy organization, use smart search to find saved ads easily, preview landing pages, and collaborate with others using the workspace and sharing features. Explore meta data of saved ad creatives and embed ads anywhere you like.

Core features of GetAds App:


Streamlined Creative Workflow


Custom Tags for Organization


Smart Search Functionality


Landing Page Preview


Collaboration Tools

Why could be used GetAds App?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Effortless Ad Genius Capture
# 2Organized Ad Management
# 3Creative Planning and Research

Who developed GetAds App?

GetAds LLC is the maker of the product, providing a comprehensive tool for creators to enhance their ad workflow and creative planning.

FAQ of GetAds App