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Correctly gender German texts

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Gendertool Unlimited is a tool that helps you easily gender-neutralize your text. It quickly identifies inappropriate words in your text and suggests alternative neutral options for better readability. The tool is designed to make gendering text simple and efficient, saving you time and effort in the process.

How to use Gendertool?

Simply paste your text into the tool and let it analyze and suggest gender-neutral alternatives. Make adjustments as needed for a more inclusive and readable text.

Core features of Gendertool:


Identifying inappropriate words


Suggesting alternative neutral options


Improving text readability

Why could be used Gendertool?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Web content creation
# 2Academic writing
# 3Professional communication

Pricing of Gendertool:

Gendertool Unlimited

$39.99 (lifetime access)

Get unlimited characters for your texts and benefit from future updates with more word recognition capabilities and improvements.

Who developed Gendertool?

The maker of Gendertool Unlimited is based in Munich and is dedicated to continuously improving the tool for better text gendering experiences.

FAQ of Gendertool