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Free AI Infographic Generator

Instantly create infographics: turn data into visual stories

Listed in categories:

Data VisualizationArtificial IntelligenceDesign Tools
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Venngage is an infographic maker that allows users to create accessible and professional infographics, reports, presentations, diagrams, and charts with ease. It offers a wide range of templates and AI-powered editing tools to help users convey their ideas visually.

How to use Free AI Infographic Generator?

Create stunning infographics in 3 simple steps: 1. Explore thousands of professional templates. 2. Design within the simple but powerful editor. 3. Download or share designs with your team.

Core features of Free AI Infographic Generator:


Create Infographics


Make Reports


Design Presentations


Generate Diagrams


Visualize Data

Why could be used Free AI Infographic Generator?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Visualize project milestones or product stages
# 2Break down complex processes into simple steps
# 3Compare and highlight business communications

Who developed Free AI Infographic Generator?

Venngage is developed by a team of graphic designers who aim to provide a user-friendly platform for creating visually appealing content.

FAQ of Free AI Infographic Generator