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Group fonts your way in Photoshop.

Listed in categories:

PhotoshopDesign ToolsTypography


Fontshelf is a Photoshop built-in font plugin that allows users to create font playlists and organize fonts for a better workflow in Photoshop. It enables users to group collections of fonts and name them for easier organization, providing a more efficient way to manage fonts within Adobe Photoshop.

How to use Fontshelf?

To use Fontshelf, simply install the plugin in Adobe Photoshop and start creating font playlists and organizing your fonts. Customize your font groups and preview fonts on your shelf for a more productive workflow.

Core features of Fontshelf:


Create font playlists


Create collections and organize fonts


Create font groups


Preview fonts on a shelf


Customize font playlists

Why could be used Fontshelf?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Organize fonts for projects
# 2Quickly preview fonts
# 3Improve workflow efficiency

Pricing of Fontshelf:

Basic Plan


Access to basic features and functionalities

Pro Plan


Advanced features and customization options

Who developed Fontshelf?

Fontshelf is a passion project designed to help creatives enhance their font management experience in Photoshop. It is powered by Shopify.

FAQ of Fontshelf