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Fluid for Tailwind CSS

Fluid for Tailwind CSS - Smoother responsive styles with less HTML. A fluid clamp plugin for Tailwind that uses your existing scales.

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A fluid clamp plugin for Tailwind CSS that provides smoother responsive styles with less HTML. It allows for fluid interpolation of values based on viewport sizes.

How to use Fluid for Tailwind CSS?

To use the Fluid for Tailwind CSS plugin, install the package via npm and add the custom extractor to your Tailwind configuration. You can then add fluid versions of core plugins and customize fluid values for different utilities. The plugin provides support for fluid text and ensures accessibility requirements are met.

Core features of Fluid for Tailwind CSS:


Supports all core plugins out of the box


Shorter classes than breakpoints


Full Intellisense support


Ensures all fluid text meets accessibility requirements


Comes with a fluidize method to add fluid versions of any custom plugin

Why could be used Fluid for Tailwind CSS?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Creating responsive and fluid designs
# 2Improving accessibility of text sizes
# 3Customizing fluid values based on viewport sizes

Who developed Fluid for Tailwind CSS?

The maker of Fluid for Tailwind CSS is, the official Tailwind CSS Components provider.

FAQ of Fluid for Tailwind CSS