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Flowtrail AI

Conversational AI Data Analyst

Listed in categories:

Data & AnalyticsAnalyticsArtificial Intelligence
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Flowtrail AI is a powerful analytics platform that enables users to effortlessly analyze, visualize, and report on data, transforming it into actionable insights. The platform simplifies the data journey and eliminates the need for SQL expertise, making data analysis more accessible and efficient.

How to use Flowtrail AI?

To start using Flowtrail AI, visit the website and click on the 'Try for free' button. Fill in the required details or sign up with Google or Github account. Once verified, you can log in to your account and start harnessing the power of your data within seconds.

Core features of Flowtrail AI:


Create insightful reports and dashboards without SQL expertise


Craft complex queries with templates or SQL


AIDriven Query Dataset Building


Render analytics with stunning visualizations


Query-free reporting with natural language processing

Why could be used Flowtrail AI?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Simplify data journey and uncover valuable insights
# 2Effortlessly analyze, visualize, and report on data
# 3Transform words into powerful SQL queries

Who developed Flowtrail AI?

Flowtrail AI is developed by a team of data analytics experts dedicated to simplifying reporting and amplifying insights for businesses.

FAQ of Flowtrail AI