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Flow - Tab Manager

Get your tab game on track!

Listed in categories:

User ExperienceChrome ExtensionsTask Management
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Flow is a Chrome extension that offers a new way to manage tabs and windows, making it easy to organize your browsing experience and boost productivity. It provides features like effortless tab management, automatic saving, seamless session resume, and additional workflow enhancements.

How to use Flow - Tab Manager?

To use Flow, simply install the Chrome extension and start managing your tabs and windows efficiently. Create sessions, designate a main session, utilize backups, and enjoy the dark mode feature for a better browsing experience.

Core features of Flow - Tab Manager:


Effortless Tab Management


Automatic Saving


Main Session




Dark Mode

Why could be used Flow - Tab Manager?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Organize tabs efficiently
# 2Boost productivity
# 3Maintain a clutter-free browsing environment

Who developed Flow - Tab Manager?

Flow Extension is developed by a non-trader developer who values user privacy and ensures that data is not collected or used for any unauthorized purposes.

FAQ of Flow - Tab Manager