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Flourish Freelance

Stay Organised, Deliver On Time

Listed in categories:

ProductivityFreelanceTask Management
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Flourish Freelance is a project management software designed to supercharge freelance projects and help freelancers meet every deadline. It offers features like deadline management, billables calculator, project management, and AI tools for task generation and feature generation.

How to use Flourish Freelance?

To use Flourish Freelance, simply sign up for an account, create your projects, add tasks, and utilize the various features to manage your freelance projects efficiently.

Core features of Flourish Freelance:


Email Notifications


Deadline Management


Billables Calculator


Project Management


Multiple Projects

Why could be used Flourish Freelance?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Meeting deadlines efficiently
# 2Tracking billable hours accurately
# 3Managing multiple projects effectively

Pricing of Flourish Freelance:

Standard Tier

Includes AI Task Generation and AI Feature Generation

Who developed Flourish Freelance?

Flourish Freelance is developed by a team of experienced software developers who aim to provide freelancers with a comprehensive project management solution.

FAQ of Flourish Freelance