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Flookup Data Wrangler API

Flookup Data Wrangler is a lightweight data cleaning addon for Google Sheets that allows you to clean any type of dataset, no matter how dirty it is. It offers features such as fuzzy matching data, highlighting and removing duplicate text entries, measuring the level of similarity between text entries, removing unwanted words, diacritics, and punctuation marks, extracting a unique list of values from fuzzy duplicate text entries. Learn more about the features and benefits of Flookup for data cleaning.

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Flookup Data Wrangler API-image-0


Flookup Data Wrangler is a lightweight data cleaning addon for Google Sheets that offers various data cleaning functionalities to users. It provides fuzzy matching, duplicate text entry highlighting and removal, similarity measurement, word and punctuation removal, and unique value extraction.

How to use Flookup Data Wrangler API?

To use Flookup Data Wrangler, simply install the addon in your Google Sheets, select the data you want to clean, and choose the desired data cleaning function from the menu options provided by Flookup.

Core features of Flookup Data Wrangler API:


Fuzzy matching data


Highlighting and removing duplicate text entries


Measuring the level of similarity between text entries


Removing unwanted words, diacritics, and punctuation marks


Extracting a unique list of values from fuzzy duplicate text entries

Why could be used Flookup Data Wrangler API?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data cleaning for Google Sheets
# 2Record linkage or reconciliation
# 3Removing unwanted words and punctuation marks from text entries

Pricing of Flookup Data Wrangler API:

Basic Plan


Includes basic data cleaning functions and support

Pro Plan


Includes advanced data cleaning functions and priority support

Who developed Flookup Data Wrangler API?

Flookup Data Wrangler is developed by Andrew Apell, a data cleaning enthusiast with a passion for simplifying data cleaning processes for users of all levels.

FAQ of Flookup Data Wrangler API