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FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser

FloatBrowser is an Always-On-Top Overlay Browser for Mac that helps you stay productive by keeping important information always in view. With FloatBrowser, you can seamlessly interact with other apps, customize the size, position, and opacity of the screen, and enjoy lightweight and fast performance. Free to download and use, lifetime deal with no subscriptions.

Listed in categories:

Menu Bar AppsProductivity
FloatBrowser,  Mac Menubar Browser-image-0
FloatBrowser,  Mac Menubar Browser-image-1


FloatBrowser is an Always-On-Top overlay browser for Mac that helps you stay productive by keeping important information visible while you work on other tasks.

How to use FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser?

To use FloatBrowser, simply download and install the application on your Mac. Once installed, you can adjust the size, screen position, and opacity to customize your browsing experience. FloatBrowser is designed to be lightweight and fast, ensuring smooth performance across all your applications.

Core features of FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser:


Always Visible


Effortless Multitasking


Customizable Experience


Lightweight and Fast

Why could be used FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Keeping track of live sports news or video chats while working
# 2Interacting with other apps without switching back and forth
# 3Professionals and multitaskers needing constant access to information

Pricing of FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser:


Free to download and use, Lifetime Deal, No subscriptions

Who developed FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser?

FloatBrowser is developed by a team of dedicated developers who aim to provide innovative tools to enhance productivity on Mac devices.

FAQ of FloatBrowser, Mac Menubar Browser