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Firazi is a platform that helps travellers maximize their traveling experience by earning money through delivering packages sent by the Sender to a final collector at the destination by an authenticated traveller.

How to use Firazi?

To use Firazi, Senders need to register their package and choose a traveller from the pool of matched travellers going towards the same destination. Travellers need to sign up, get matched with packages, deliver them securely, and get paid upon successful delivery.

Core features of Firazi:


Earn money while traveling by delivering packages


Secure and insured package delivery


Real-time tracking of packages


Chat system for communication with travellers


Multiple payment options

Why could be used Firazi?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Earn money while traveling
# 2Send packages securely and efficiently
# 3Track package delivery in real-time

Pricing of Firazi:

Standard Plan


Basic package delivery services

Premium Plan


Enhanced package delivery services with additional features

Who developed Firazi?

Firazi is made with love by Uleval, founded in 2023.

FAQ of Firazi