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Feedefy is the smartest and easiest way to collect user feedback. Integrate with just 1 simple copy and paste code. Affordable and straightforward, Feedefy makes it easy for both you and your users to work with feedback. Start your free trial today!

Listed in categories:

Customer SuccessSaaSUser Experience


Feedefy is a smart and easy way to collect user feedback, helping you know what to build next and make users happy. It integrates seamlessly with just one simple copy and paste code, making user feedback collection straightforward and affordable.

How to use Feedefy?

To use Feedefy, simply create an account, start a free trial, copy and paste the provided code, and start collecting feedback. The interface is easy to use for you, your team, and your users, allowing for better decision-making based on user feedback.

Core features of Feedefy:


User feedback collection


Integration with simple code


Affordable pricing


Easy-to-use interface


Informing product roadmap

Why could be used Feedefy?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Collecting user feedback
# 2Making better decisions
# 3Informing product roadmap

Pricing of Feedefy:

Free Trial

14-day free trial

No Credit Card needed

Who developed Feedefy?

Feedefy is built with love for product management, providing a straightforward tool for collecting and managing user feedback.

FAQ of Feedefy