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SaaSDeveloper ToolsSoftware Engineering


FastPocket is a tool designed to help developers build apps quickly and efficiently. It provides essential integrations and components to streamline the app development process, saving time and effort for developers.

How to use FastPocket?

To use FastPocket, simply sign up for early access and start building your apps faster with the provided integrations and components. Customize the styling and backend according to your needs and focus on what makes your app unique.

Core features of FastPocket:


Simple Setup


Copy Paste Components


Bring Your Own Backend


Payments Integration


Styling Components

Why could be used FastPocket?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Building apps fast
# 2Saving time on app development
# 3Streamlining the development process

Pricing of FastPocket:

Early Access

Discounted price

Purchase now to get early access at a discounted price and start building with flyio and docker compose templates immediately

Who developed FastPocket?

Mustafa Hanif, an Indie Hacker, believes in the value and effectiveness of FastPocket. Timmy D Turner, another Indie Hacker, also finds FastPocket to be a valuable tool for app development.

FAQ of FastPocket