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Fact Check Anything

Fact Check Anything is a reliable browser extension that allows users to effortlessly verify information and combat the dissemination of misinformation. Stay informed and fight misinformation with ease using Fact Check Anything.

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ProductivityUser ExperienceTech
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Fact Check Anything is a reliable browser extension powered by AI for instant fact-checking across various sources. It helps users combat misinformation and stay informed while browsing the internet.

How to use Fact Check Anything?

Simply select the statement you want to fact-check, click the FCA icon, and let FCA verify the information in real-time. Use the elaborate feature for more detailed explanations.

Core features of Fact Check Anything:


Instant AI-powered fact-checking


Real-time validation of information


Elaborate feature for in-depth clarification


Browser support for Chrome, Edge, and Brave


Fact-checking on social media platforms

Why could be used Fact Check Anything?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Combat misinformation online
# 2Verify information on websites
# 3Enhance critical thinking skills

Who developed Fact Check Anything?

Fact Check Anything is developed by a team of experts dedicated to promoting truth and accuracy in online content.

FAQ of Fact Check Anything