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Fact Check

Your personal research assistant and BS detector

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Chrome ExtensionsNewsProductivity
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Fact Check is a personal research assistant and BS detector that helps users verify information quickly and easily. It simplifies research by scanning highlighted text and searching the web for the top 5 most relevant articles. Fact Check then reads and summarizes the key findings related to the query, providing users with accurate information without the need to leave the page.

How to use Fact Check?

To use Fact Check, simply highlight the text you want to fact-check and right-click. Fact Check will scan the text, search for relevant articles, summarize key findings, and display the information to you on the same page.

Core features of Fact Check:


Scan highlighted text for research


Search the web for relevant articles


Summarize key findings


Verify information


Provide accurate information

Why could be used Fact Check?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Verify the authenticity of news articles
# 2Fact-check information on social media
# 3Research topics for academic papers

Pricing of Fact Check:

Lifetime Ownership

One-time purchase

Own Fact Check for life

Who developed Fact Check?

The maker of Fact Check is dedicated to providing users with a reliable tool for fact-checking and research. They believe in the importance of accurate information and aim to empower users to verify the authenticity of the content they encounter online.

FAQ of Fact Check