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Extract and Download

Extract and Download is a powerful addon that helps you effortlessly extract, download, and organize images within your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides presentations.

Listed in categories:

User ExperienceSpreadsheetsProductivity
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Extract and Download is a powerful addon that helps you effortlessly extract, download, and organize images within your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides presentations.

How to use Extract and Download?

With Extract and Download addon, you can easily extract images from your Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides presentations with a single click. Select specific images for download or storage, and choose to save them to your computer or Google Drive. Streamline your image management process and enhance your workflow by organizing and accessing images efficiently.

Core features of Extract and Download:


Extract images with ease


Selective download of specific images


Flexible options for downloading images


Save time by streamlining image management


Unlock and manage embedded images

Why could be used Extract and Download?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Effortlessly manage images in Google Workspace documents
# 2Enhance workflow by organizing and accessing images
# 3Save time by streamlining image extraction process

Pricing of Extract and Download:

Free Trial

Experience the benefits of image management with a free trial period


Subscription required after the trial period

Who developed Extract and Download?

The maker of Extract and Download addon focuses on providing a user-friendly solution for image management within Google Workspace documents. They prioritize security and efficiency in image extraction and organization.

FAQ of Extract and Download