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Extra Blu

A product assistant for more techy Shopify merchants

Listed in categories:

Personal shopperE-CommerceArtificial Intelligence
Extra Blu-image-0
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Extra Blu is an AI product assistant designed to maximize sales and minimize costs for Shopify store owners. It simplifies the customer journey by facilitating smoother navigation and product discovery, while also providing personalized product suggestions based on customer preferences. Extra Blu seamlessly integrates custom store knowledge like return policies and FAQs into its chatbot's knowledge base, offering a purely branded experience without watermarks. The pricing is transparent and cost-effective, as merchants use their own OpenAI key for billing, ensuring no hidden fees or mark-ups on API calls.

How to use Extra Blu?

To use Extra Blu, simply integrate it into your Shopify store and customize the chatbot with your store knowledge. Enable personalized product suggestions and enjoy transparent pricing with no hidden fees or mark-ups. Engage customers with a seamless shopping experience.

Core features of Extra Blu:


Maximize Sales


Minimize Costs


Personalized Product Suggestions


Seamless Integration of Store Knowledge


Transparent Pricing

Why could be used Extra Blu?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Simplify Customer Journey
# 2Facilitate Product Discovery
# 3Provide Personalized Shopping Experience

Pricing of Extra Blu:


Cheapest AI Product Assistant

Currently in Beta

Who developed Extra Blu?

Extra Blu is developed by Extra Blu, all rights reserved. Copyright 2024.

FAQ of Extra Blu