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Eureka is an online furniture shopping platform that helps you find the perfect centerpiece for your home. With Eureka, you can search for products using natural language, compare across sellers, and save your favorite finds in a wishlist system for collaboration with others.

How to use Eureka?

To use Eureka, simply enter the description of the product you are looking for in natural language. Browse through the search results, compare products from different sellers, and save your favorites in the wishlist for collaboration with others.

Core features of Eureka:


Natural language product search


Product comparison across sellers


Wishlist system for saving and collaboration

Why could be used Eureka?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Finding the perfect centerpiece for your home
# 2Comparing furniture products from different sellers
# 3Collaborating with others on furniture decisions

Who developed Eureka?

Eureka is developed by Ryan, a passionate furniture enthusiast who aims to simplify the online furniture shopping experience for users.

FAQ of Eureka