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ChatGPT is an on-call assistant for making sense of PRDs. Sign up to chat and get estimates.

Listed in categories:

ProductivityArtificial IntelligenceSaaS


ChatGPT is an on-call assistant designed to help users make sense of Product Requirement Documents (PRDs). It offers a platform for users to sign up and access the service, providing assistance in understanding and analyzing PRDs effectively.

How to use EstimatePRD?

To use ChatGPT, simply sign up for an account, upload your PRD documents, and request assistance. The platform will provide analysis and interpretation of the PRDs to help you understand them better.

Core features of EstimatePRD:


PRD analysis


On-call assistance


User sign-up


PRD interpretation


Text analysis

Why could be used EstimatePRD?

#Use caseStatus
# 1PRD review and analysis
# 2PRD interpretation assistance
# 3User guidance on PRD understanding

Pricing of EstimatePRD:

Basic Plan


Access to basic PRD analysis features

Pro Plan


Advanced PRD analysis tools and on-call support

Who developed EstimatePRD?

Oleg Guryanov is the creator of ChatGPT, a software engineer with a passion for developing tools that simplify complex processes and enhance productivity.

FAQ of EstimatePRD