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Email To Contract

Your AI Legal Inbox Assistant

Listed in categories:

Artificial IntelligenceProductivityLegal
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Email to Contract is an AI assistant that helps you quickly generate personalized legal contracts straight from your inbox. Handle legal contracts easily by forwarding an email thread to and receive your tailored contract back. The service offers affordable and fast contract generation with transparent pricing starting at $9.99 per month. Access different types of contracts and upload your own templates for customization.

How to use Email To Contract?

Forward any email or email thread to The AI will generate a tailored contract based on the conversation and predefined templates. The personalized contract will be sent back to you in the same email thread and can also be viewed on your dashboard.

Core features of Email To Contract:


Generate personalized legal contracts from email threads


Handle legal contracts through email inbox


Access different types of contracts


Upload custom templates for contract generation


Receive tailored contracts back in the same email thread

Why could be used Email To Contract?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Quickly generate personalized contracts for influencer outreach
# 2Handle legal agreements for business partnerships
# 3Customize contracts for various legal needs

Pricing of Email To Contract:


$9.99 per month

20 Credits Per Month, Unlimited Templates, 24/7 Support


$29.99 per month

100 Credits, Unlimited Templates, 24/7 Support

Who developed Email To Contract?

Email to Contract was founded by Jean & Guillaume to simplify the process of generating contracts from email conversations.

FAQ of Email To Contract