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Easel on Chrome

Track all your marketing analytics in one place

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Easel On Chrome allows you to track all your marketing analytics in one place, create customized dashboards, and manage multiple website snapshots effortlessly.

How to use Easel on Chrome?

To use Easel On Chrome, simply install the extension on your Chrome browser and start tracking your marketing analytics. Customize your dashboards, manage snapshots, and enjoy unlimited refresh for live data updates.

Core features of Easel on Chrome:


Track all marketing analytics in one place


Create customized dashboards


Manage multiple website snapshots

Why could be used Easel on Chrome?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Track Google Analytics metrics
# 2Monitor Slack engagement
# 3Analyze YouTube ad performance

Pricing of Easel on Chrome:


$14.99 USD

Perfect for small projects, includes unlimited refresh, 3 dashboards, and 15 snapshots


$24.99 USD

Ideal for users needing more power, includes unlimited refresh, 10 dashboards, and 150 snapshots

Who developed Easel on Chrome?

Easel On Chrome is developed by a team of experienced developers dedicated to simplifying marketing analytics tracking for users.

FAQ of Easel on Chrome