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Django Paddle Subscriptions

Expand your SaaS business internationally

Listed in categories:

SaaSDeveloper Tools
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Django Paddle Subscriptions is a Django app for SaaS projects that simplifies the implementation of free and paid subscriptions using the Paddle Billing API. It saves developers time and effort by providing a flexible and configurable solution to meet various business needs.

How to use Django Paddle Subscriptions?

To use Django Paddle Subscriptions, developers can follow the documentation provided. The app offers a user-friendly interface and management commands to set up the environment and fetch Paddle data.

Core features of Django Paddle Subscriptions:


Saves at least a month of development work


Highly flexible and configurable


Can be used for multiple Django-based SaaS projects


Styled with TailwindCSS for quick start


Allows monthly and yearly billing

Why could be used Django Paddle Subscriptions?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Implementing free and paid subscriptions for SaaS projects
# 2Managing subscription plans and billing
# 3Internationalizing SaaS businesses

Pricing of Django Paddle Subscriptions:

Standard Plan


Includes basic features and support

Premium Plan


Includes advanced features and priority support

Who developed Django Paddle Subscriptions?

Django Paddle Subscriptions is designed and implemented by Aidas Bendoraitis, the author of Web Development with Django Cookbook. Aidas is dedicated to providing high-quality solutions for SaaS projects and has firsthand experience in using the app for websites developed by Websightful.

FAQ of Django Paddle Subscriptions