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An online directory platform for Shopify stores to showcase their products and services, with filtering options by country, category, and tags.

Listed in categories:

MarketingE-CommerceEmail Marketing


Shopify Directory is a platform that allows users to search and filter through a directory of Shopify stores based on country, category, and tags. Users can easily find Shopify stores that match their criteria and discover new online businesses.

How to use Directorify?

To use Shopify Directory, simply enter your search criteria such as country, category, or tags in the search bar. You can then browse through the results and click on a store to view more details.

Core features of Directorify:


Search and filter Shopify stores


Browse by country, category, and tags


Discover new online businesses

Why could be used Directorify?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Find Shopify stores in a specific country
# 2Explore Shopify stores in a particular category
# 3Discover trending Shopify stores based on tags

Who developed Directorify?

Shopify Directory is developed by a team of Shopify enthusiasts who aim to help users discover and support Shopify stores around the world.

FAQ of Directorify