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Pokemon Guessing Game

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Free GamesPokemonGames


DEXTRIO is a guessing game where players have to guess the name of a Pokémon based on a series of clues. The game provides multiple clues for each Pokémon, and players have to guess the Pokémon's name in the fewest attempts possible. A new level is released every day, allowing players to try again if they don't guess correctly.

How to use Dextrio?

To play DEXTRIO, type the name of the Pokémon in the green box based on the clues provided. If the guess is incorrect, more clues will be given. Try to guess the Pokémon in the fewest attempts possible to advance to the next level.

Core features of Dextrio:


Guessing Pokémon names based on clues


Multiple clues for each Pokémon


Limited attempts to guess


Daily new levels


Interactive gameplay

Why could be used Dextrio?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Entertainment
# 2Improving Pokémon knowledge
# 3Challenging friends in guessing Pokémon names

Who developed Dextrio?

DEXTRIO was created by ANTONY and built by EBD. It is not affiliated with Nintendo or the Pokémon trademark, and all references to them are for commentary and informational purposes only.

FAQ of Dextrio