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Dev I18next Translation Files Website

A website that can improve development efficiency

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DevI18n is a versatile arb strings, xml, and json translator that supports simultaneous multi-language translation into 26 languages. It is not an official product or service of Google.

How to use Dev I18next Translation Files Website?

To use DevI18n, simply upload your arb strings, xml, or json file and select the target languages for translation. The tool will handle the simultaneous translation process into multiple languages seamlessly.

Core features of Dev I18next Translation Files Website:


Arb strings translation


XML translation


JSON translation

Why could be used Dev I18next Translation Files Website?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Multi-language website translation
# 2App localization
# 3Content internationalization

Who developed Dev I18next Translation Files Website?


FAQ of Dev I18next Translation Files Website