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Denser Retriever

Cutting-Edge AI Retriever for RAG

Listed in categories:

Developer ToolsArtificial IntelligenceSaaS
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Denser Retriever is an enterprise-grade AI retriever designed to streamline AI integration into applications, ensuring cutting-edge accuracy. It combines multiple search technologies into a single platform, utilizing gradient boosting (xgboost) machine learning technique to enhance keyword-based searches, vector databases, and machine learning rerankers.

How to use Denser Retriever?

To install Denser Retriever, it is recommended to use poetry. First, install poetry with 'pip install poetry'. Then, add Denser Retriever with 'poetry add git+'. For more details, refer to the official documentation hosted on

Core features of Denser Retriever:


Supporting heterogeneous retrievers such as keyword search, vector search, and ML model reranking


Leveraging xgboost ML technique to effectively combine heterogeneous retrievers


State-of-the-art accuracy on MTEB Retrieval benchmarking

Why could be used Denser Retriever?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Powering end-to-end applications such as chatbot and semantic search

Who developed Denser Retriever?

Denser Retriever is developed by

FAQ of Denser Retriever