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Deftform Form Builder

Create shareable and embeddable forms that just work

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Deftform is a form builder tool that allows users to create shareable and embeddable forms quickly and easily. It offers clean and intuitive admin panels and public forms, simple pricing options, easy customization with custom domains and colors, full backups every 12 hours, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Made in Germany, Deftform is a modern form builder designed to be user-friendly and efficient.

How to use Deftform Form Builder?

To use Deftform, simply create your first form by customizing it with colors, domain, and texts. You can create multiple styles for different forms and share them with your audience. Deftform offers an admin backend in light and dark mode for user preference.

Core features of Deftform Form Builder:


Create shareable and embeddable forms


Customize forms with custom domains and colors


Offer simple pricing options


Provide full backups and uptime guarantee


Support team collaboration without per-user charges

Why could be used Deftform Form Builder?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Collecting customer feedback through surveys
# 2Creating waiting lists for projects
# 3Managing job applications and lead capture forms

Pricing of Deftform Form Builder:

Pay as you go

€250 per form

Unlimited responses, custom domain, team management, file uploads, and more


€189 one-time

Unlimited forms, responses, custom domain, team management, and more

Who developed Deftform Form Builder?

Deftform is a product by ivymayhem GmbH, compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and guaranteeing server locations in Germany with ISO 27001 certification. They prioritize data safety and privacy, using strictly necessary cookies and GDPR-compliant tracking for marketing pages.

FAQ of Deftform Form Builder