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Day Progress

Display the time remaining today in your macOS menu bar

Listed in categories:

Menu Bar AppsMacProductivity
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Keep track of the time remaining in your day right in the menu bar. Use this as a visual cue to stay motivated and manage time more efficiently. Customize your day's start and end times, even allowing for a day's end past midnight. Choose between a progress pie or bar showcasing it with a percentage, the remaining time, or minutes left. The simplicity is a feature with no plans to add advanced features. You can set the day range from Shortcuts for time presets.

How to use Day Progress?

Simply install the app and customize your day's start and end times. Choose your preferred progress display and utilize Shortcuts for setting day ranges and time presets.

Core features of Day Progress:


Track time remaining in the day


Customize start and end times


Choose progress display


Set day range from Shortcuts


Stay motivated and manage time efficiently

Why could be used Day Progress?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Stay motivated throughout the day
# 2Manage time effectively
# 3Create time presets with Shortcuts

Pricing of Day Progress:


Who developed Day Progress?

Sindre Sorhus is the developer of this app, known for creating simple and elegant solutions. The app is designed to be user-friendly and efficient in helping users manage their time effectively.

FAQ of Day Progress