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Data Taps

Data Taps simplifies data processing globally, reducing TCO and complexity while accelerating Time-to-Market. Build data pipelines easily, share and consume data globally, and create operational and analytical insights in minutes.

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Data Taps is a Realtime Big Data Network that unifies and simplifies data processing globally, reducing TCO and complexity while accelerating Time-to-Market. It allows users to build data pipelines like lego blocks, add new metrics layers, zoom in and investigate with realtime streaming SQL, and create operational and analytical insights in minutes.

How to use Data Taps?

To use Data Taps, users can generate and validate data, filter and transform data, verify and enrich data, and connect and subscribe to data streams. Data Taps can be deployed with a YAML template and accessed through Tap URLs for ingesting and processing data.

Core features of Data Taps:


Unifies and simplifies data processing globally


Build data pipelines like lego blocks


Realtime streaming SQL for analytics


Create operational and analytical insights in minutes


Scale with AWS Lambda and S3

Why could be used Data Taps?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Accelerating Time-to-Market
# 2Creating operational monitoring dashboards
# 3Analytical reporting dashboards

Pricing of Data Taps:

FREE Starter


Test Data Taps small scale resources, including Sandboxes, Taps, Pipes, Shares, Transformations, SQL and JS data intake. 100 MB/month data intake capacity.



Full features including interworking with other Data Tap networks. Data processing capacity suitable for production level traffic. 1 GB/month data intake capacity.

Core User


High processing capacity and scale, allowing data ingestion and processing up to 1 TB/month. Unlimited templates, Taps, and Pipes.

Who developed Data Taps?

BoilingData provides virtual Data Warehouses over S3 with an in-memory SQL cache layer. Data Taps uses BoilingData to process streaming SQL and OLAP analytics from S3.

FAQ of Data Taps