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Daily Woof Moments

New Tab Google Chrome Extension

Listed in categories:

PetsChrome Extensions
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Daily Woof Moments-image-1


Daily Woof Moments Extension is a Chrome extension that brightens your browsing experience with a daily dose of furry joy. Each day, you can enjoy a heartwarming photo of a lovable pup right on your Chrome New Tab.

How to use Daily Woof Moments?

To use the Daily Woof Moments Extension, simply add it to your Chrome browser. Once installed, you will start receiving daily heartwarming dog photos on your new tab page.

Core features of Daily Woof Moments:


Daily heartwarming dog photos


Brighten browsing experience


New tab customization

Why could be used Daily Woof Moments?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Adding fun to browsing
# 2Enjoying cute dog photos daily
# 3Customizing new tab experience

Who developed Daily Woof Moments?

Neven Solidov is the developer of the Daily Woof Moments Extension, located at 4792 Mt Abbott St, Riverside, CA 92509, US. The developer has not identified as a trader and has disclosed that they will not collect or use your data for any other purposes outside the core functionality of the extension.

FAQ of Daily Woof Moments