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Currency Converter - XTransfer

Currency Converter - XTransfer

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XTransfer is a B2B cross-border trade payment platform that offers currency exchange services with competitive rates. Users can easily convert currencies, send and receive money, and manage their business wallet. XTransfer aims to provide a safe and efficient way for SME foreign trade enterprises to conduct financial transactions.

How to use Currency Converter - XTransfer?

To use XTransfer, simply sign up for an account, deposit funds into your business wallet, and start exchanging currencies or sending money to your desired recipients. You can also track your transactions and manage your finances through the platform.

Core features of Currency Converter - XTransfer:


Currency Exchange


Send Money


Receive Money


Business Wallet Management

Why could be used Currency Converter - XTransfer?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Converting currencies for international trade
# 2Sending money to business partners
# 3Receiving payments from overseas clients

Pricing of Currency Converter - XTransfer:

Basic Plan


Includes basic currency exchange and money transfer services

Premium Plan


Offers advanced features such as priority support and lower exchange rates

Who developed Currency Converter - XTransfer?

XTransfer Limited is a leading financial service provider in China, specializing in cross-border trade payment solutions for SMEs. The company aims to simplify international transactions and provide cost-effective services for businesses.

FAQ of Currency Converter - XTransfer