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CS Logs viewer

The Web app for viewing and searching by structure logs

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CS Logs viewer is a web application developed for viewing structured log files and filtering logs in projects that do not use centralized logging. It is designed to be accessible on both PCs and servers.

How to use CS Logs viewer?

To use CS Logs viewer, simply access the web application and start viewing and filtering log files. You can also launch it in a Docker environment and store uploaded logs in browser storage. Customize the UI theme to your preference for better visibility.

Core features of CS Logs viewer:


Viewing multiple files in Compact Log Event Format


Filtering logs


Launching in a Docker environment


Storing uploaded logs in browser storage


Supporting dark and light UI themes

Why could be used CS Logs viewer?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Viewing structured log files
# 2Filtering logs for specific information
# 3Managing log files in projects

Who developed CS Logs viewer?

StefjJHKcslogsviewer is the maker of CS Logs viewer, a lightweight web viewer for structured logs.

FAQ of CS Logs viewer