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Crypto Homepage

Live Price Charts, Current News, All in your Homepage!

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CryptoGitHubChrome Extensions
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Crypto Homepage is a Chrome extension that replaces the user's default new tab page with a new HTML file, providing a new homepage with price charts, crypto news, and more features.

How to use Crypto Homepage?

To use Crypto Homepage, simply add the extension to your Chrome browser. Once added, the extension will automatically replace your default new tab page with the new crypto homepage, where you can view price charts, read crypto news, and customize the layout.

Core features of Crypto Homepage:


Replace default new tab page


Display price charts


Curate crypto news

Why could be used Crypto Homepage?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Stay updated on crypto prices
# 2Read curated crypto articles
# 3Customize new tab page

Who developed Crypto Homepage?

The developer of Crypto Homepage is omriluz1994, who has not identified as a trader and has disclosed that they will not collect or use user data for any purposes outside the core functionality of the extension.

FAQ of Crypto Homepage