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Always perfectly fitting images for you and your customers

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ProductivityDeveloper ToolsTech


Croppy is a tool developed to provide perfectly fitting images for users and their customers. It offers easy-to-use image cropping and resizing features, direct upload to websites, and predefined resolutions for uniformity. The tool aims to simplify image processing and enhance website aesthetics.

How to use Croppy?

To use Croppy, sign up on the platform, connect your website, specify image resolutions, and send the Croppy link to customers or use it yourself. The tool streamlines image processing and ensures consistent image quality on websites.

Core features of Croppy:


Predefined resolutions


AI-based cropping selection


Direct upload to CMS


Bulk processing


WebP and AVIF image technologies

Why could be used Croppy?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Optimizing images for websites
# 2Reducing image processing time
# 3Improving website loading speed

Who developed Croppy?

Croppy was founded by Lukas Obermann, who developed the tool to address the challenges of image cropping and resizing faced by businesses and individuals. The tool has received positive feedback from users and aims to simplify the image processing workflow for website owners.

FAQ of Croppy