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Count word-count

Simple word & char counter with AI tools to improve writing

Listed in categories:

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Count Word Count is a tool that helps users track the word count and complexity of their text, providing suggestions for engaging content. It also offers features like reading time estimation, sentence and paragraph counting, and character counting. Additionally, it includes AI tools for summarizing text, wordifying phrases, rephrasing sentences, converting between active and passive voice, and creating bullet points.

How to use Count word-count?

To use the AI tools, select the text you want to modify and click on the respective AI tool button. Wait a few seconds to see the changes in your text. To get word count on selected text, simply select the text and check the card on the right side of the editor.

Core features of Count word-count:


Word Count Tracking


Reading Time Estimation


Sentence and Paragraph Counting


Character Counting


AI Tools for Text Enhancement

Why could be used Count word-count?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Writing Engaging Content
# 2Estimating Reading Time
# 3Analyzing Text Complexity

Who developed Count word-count?

Appwharf Inc

FAQ of Count word-count