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Cookie Writer

Product description generator that simplifies the process of creating catchy titles and descriptions for your product, saving you time to focus on core business processes.

Listed in categories:

Design ToolsProductivityMarketing
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Product description generator that creates catchy product descriptions and titles in one go.

How to use Cookie Writer?

The product description generator operates using a language model trained with top-performing product descriptions, catchy taglines, and successful titles. It understands the context of the provided website URL and description to generate suitable titles, descriptions, and headers.

Core features of Cookie Writer:


Generate catchy product descriptions and titles


Simplify the process of creating catchy titles and descriptions


Empower Saas developers to create attractive product descriptions


Help founders focus on core tasks by creating compelling product descriptions

Why could be used Cookie Writer?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Business Owners: Simplify the process of creating catchy titles and descriptions, saving time for core business processes
# 2Saas Developers: Generate attractive product descriptions easily and create compelling product messages
# 3Founders: Focus on building their product by leveraging the tool to create compelling descriptions and headings

Pricing of Cookie Writer:

15 Prompts


Generate 45 catchy descriptions and titles

50 Prompts


Generate 150 catchy descriptions and titles

Who developed Cookie Writer?

Cookie Writer 2024 CookieWriter

FAQ of Cookie Writer