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Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4

A powerful tool that utilizes OpenAI's GPT Vision and Gemini AI to help you write SEO-friendly articles, edit, translate, and more. It uses GPT-4 Vision technology to understand and write about images, generating full articles or reviews from photos. Customize content, adjust writing style, tone, and details. Easily create content that matches professional standards or a famous person's style. AI Vision feature allows you to add image links, preview images, and specify actions. AI Helper can translate, rewrite, extract data, and more, making it a versatile tool for various tasks. Get a Google Sheets document with the script and instructions for use.

Listed in categories:

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The Google Sheets template integrates the ChatGPT API key to facilitate the creation of SEO-friendly articles quickly and easily. It also leverages GPT-4 Vision technology to understand and generate content based on images, allowing users to create articles or reviews from photos. Users can select different OpenAI models and combine them with Google's Gemini AI for enhanced results.

How to use Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4?

To use the tool, simply input a keyword or title, select a language, and click on 'Generate'. Follow the prompts and instructions displayed on the screen. The cost is calculated in terms of tokens, with a 1000-word article typically costing around 6000 tokens.

Core features of Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4:


Integration of ChatGPT API key


Utilization of GPT-4 Vision technology


Creation of SEO-friendly articles


Image understanding and content generation


Customization of content style and tone

Why could be used Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Writing SEO-friendly articles
# 2Editing and translating content
# 3Generating articles or reviews from images

Pricing of Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4:

Basic Plan


Free plan with limited features

Premium Plan

Custom pricing

Additional features and capabilities available

Who developed Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4?

The tool is powered by a combination of OpenAI's GPT models and Google's Gemini AI, providing users with advanced content creation and editing capabilities.

FAQ of Connect Google Sheets + Gemini + GPT-4