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color stack

color design, theme colors, color collect.

Listed in categories:

Chrome ExtensionsColoringDesign Tools
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Color Stack is a tool that allows users to explore theme colors from the world's most popular pages and get inspired by them. It helps users discover color palettes and gradients for their design projects.

How to use color stack?

To use Color Stack, simply visit the website and start exploring theme colors from popular pages. You can generate color palettes, discover color gradients, and match colors with custom properties for your design projects.

Core features of color stack:


Explore theme colors from popular pages


Discover color palettes


Generate color gradients


Match colors with custom properties

Why could be used color stack?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Get inspired for design projects
# 2Find favorite color panels
# 3Learn the history of colors

Who developed color stack?

Color Stack is created by VicJuice, a team passionate about design and color exploration. They aim to provide users with a tool that enhances their creativity and design process.

FAQ of color stack