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A free, open-source, online citation graph

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EducationGitHubOpen Source


Citegraph is an opensource online visualizer of 5 million papers, 4 million authors, and various relationships. In total, Citegraph has 94 million vertices and 294 million edges. At the moment, Citegraph only has a computer science bibliography.

How to use CiteGraph?

To use Citegraph, simply visit the website and start exploring the vast database of papers, authors, and relationships. You can search for specific papers, authors, or topics to dive deeper into the world of academic research.

Core features of CiteGraph:


Visualize 5 million papers


Explore relationships between 4 million authors


Analyze 94 million vertices and 294 million edges


View computer science bibliography


Discover most cited papers and authors

Why could be used CiteGraph?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Research paper analysis
# 2Author collaboration exploration
# 3Citation network visualization

Who developed CiteGraph?

Citegraph is developed by Lee Kerley, Wolfgang Mayer, Jeanmarc Farinone, Gang Chen, Jakub Krzywda, Zhankuan Zeng, Daniel G. Norman, Alima Dammak Masmoudi, Lionel Mestre, and Rui Jia.

FAQ of CiteGraph