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Chipush Price Alerts

Get alerts when the price drops on Amazon products by entering the product URL, setting a maximum price threshold, and providing your email address.

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Get alerts when the price drops on Amazon products

How to use Chipush Price Alerts?

1. Enter the URL of the product you want to buy 2. Set your maximum price threshold 3. Enter your email address 4. Sit back and wait for price drop alerts

Core features of Chipush Price Alerts:


Price tracking


Email alerts


Threshold setting

Why could be used Chipush Price Alerts?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Save money on purchases
# 2Monitor price changes
# 3Receive notifications

Pricing of Chipush Price Alerts:

Basic Plan


Track up to 3 products

Premium Plan


Track unlimited products

Who developed Chipush Price Alerts?

The maker of this product is focused on helping users save money on their Amazon purchases by providing timely price drop alerts.

FAQ of Chipush Price Alerts