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Cheensa Time & Attendance

Time tracking for organisations

Listed in categories:

Time TrackingSaaS
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Cheensa Time and Attendance App is an automated employee time tracking solution that adds synergy to organizations by streamlining workflow and providing rich insights on employee turnout.

How to use Cheensa Time & Attendance?

To use Cheensa Time and Attendance App, employees can check into project sites using the Android or iOS apps. Admins can manage everything from the Admin Dashboard, create projects, assign tasks, and track employee activities. The app offers features like face recognition, GPS location verification, and rich insights on employee turnout.

Core features of Cheensa Time & Attendance:


Capture employee check-ins and outs remotely on Android and iOS


Verify activities with face recognition and GPS location


Create projects and assign tasks using Drag and Drop interface


Calculate total hours spent on project sites for client billing


Manage everything from an easy-to-use Admin Dashboard

Why could be used Cheensa Time & Attendance?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Efficiently track employee attendance and activities
# 2Streamline project management and task assignment
# 3Improve productivity and profitability through accurate time tracking

Who developed Cheensa Time & Attendance?

Cheensa Limited is a technology company that specializes in providing innovative solutions for workforce management and productivity enhancement.

FAQ of Cheensa Time & Attendance