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Chart Builder by TextQuery

Free online tool to create beautiful charts

Listed in categories:

Data ScienceData VisualizationMaker Tools
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TextQuery is an all-in-one macOS tool that allows you to quickly import CSV files, query them using SQL, and create stunning charts from the results. It offers fast querying capabilities, privacy and security features, and distraction-free updates.

How to use Chart Builder by TextQuery?

To use TextQuery, simply import your CSV file, query the data using SQL, explore and analyze the data like a spreadsheet, create charts from the results, and export the query results easily.

Core features of Chart Builder by TextQuery:


Import CSV files as a table


Query data using SQL


Create charts from query results


Explore data like a spreadsheet


Export query results

Why could be used Chart Builder by TextQuery?

#Use caseStatus
# 1Data analysis
# 2Chart creation
# 3Querying large datasets

Pricing of Chart Builder by TextQuery:


Evaluate our free version with certain limitations and upgrade to Pro when you feel like it.


Perpetual license

Pay once and use forever. Pay only for updates.

Who developed Chart Builder by TextQuery?

TextQuery is developed by BoCoRocks, a software development company dedicated to creating user-friendly tools for data analysis and visualization.

FAQ of Chart Builder by TextQuery